Sunday 13 January 2013

Content Page Analysis(Compare NME and Q)

These are two contents page from two different content page from two popular rock magazines(NME and Q). I’m comparing both content pages to help me with me when I create my own contents page.

Firstly, Q’s content page uses the same colour scheme throughout: red,black and white. Q uses this for mostly every front cover, double page spread and contents page they have ever published. This gives the audience a sense of familiarity and they would immediately know they are reading Q. The masthead ‘Q’ is at the top right hand corner of the contents page, that is there to remind readers what magazine they are reading.

NME also use a similar colour scheme as Q which is: red, black and white. The colour scheme relates with the rest of the magazine, because NME use this colour throughout like Q to also create a familiarity for their target audience( who are usually adults but with an exception of younger adults). The red text of the ‘Band Index’ stands out for the readers because it informs readers of the bands featured in the magazine with the page number next to it. Also NME uses bold lettering for ‘NME THIS WEEK’. This automatically tells the readers that NME issue their magazine weekly.

Q also uses this feature on the right hand side of the magazine but its in bigger font then NME and shows less bands. But its more clearer and easier for the reader to find the important articles Q listed. Q has also added a box ‘Oasis Special’, this connotes that the magazine is features more about Oasis, and they are the main image of the contents page. Also the box is a different colour which reflects on the title ‘special’. Also the contents page shows a long shot of the band Oasis standing on top of a hill. The image automatically connotes that they are a rock band because of the costume they are wearing, they are all wearing dark black jeans as well as different coloured T-shirts. By their costume, you can connote that they are a ‘laid back’ type of band and this again tells us they are rock band. Also the main leader is wearing a prop which is sunglasses which tells the audience that he wants to stand out from the band with sunglasses, and his hands in his pockets.

However, the other contents page doesn't use a band as their main image, but instead subvert that conventional feature, but show a old building instead. This might attract audience because NME use a different type of image, but it does say below its a ‘photo tribute to three decades of gigs’ which might interest readers.

On the other hand, Q has another box below ‘Oasis Special’, it says ‘Every Month’ which shows different games such as crosswords, then there’s another box next to it which says ‘Reviews’  which gives reviews on different books and music. Q features many things, and this shows its different from NME, NME who feature conventional things in the magazine such as ‘Subscribing’.

After analysing both content page, I would use Q’s layout and be inspired by it because it isn’t typical and conventional like NME but shows a variety of different articles not just about music.

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