Tuesday 8 January 2013

Flat Plan For My Front Cover Magazine(ROCK PRODIGY)

 2013-01-08 18.19.152013-01-08 18.04.45 2013-01-08 18.56.58

The first one is the first draft of my magazine and the second one is the second draft and a more completed draft. I’m going to follow my plan, and take several photo’s in a medium shot for the sixth former(girl). I also want her costume to be a:leather jacket and black jeans and the props would be the sunglasses. I used advertisement to sell my rock magazine by using the words ‘FREE POSTERS’ because this would engage the audience and they would take the opportunity of having free posters. Therefore, I added additional photo’s with the ‘FREE POSTERS’.I also used quotes from interviews that will be issued inside the magazine, this would intrigue sixth formers(who are my target audience)  so they would be intrigue and want to hopefully read the magazine. In addition I used superlatives such as ‘AMAZING’ and ‘BIGGEST’ to attract the audience and so they would be excited. The masthead is different then any other magazine, the masthead has a ‘rocky effect’ also this shows my magazine will be unique. Even though the masthead is small compared to the main image, it still seems to grab attention with the ‘G’ and the fact that it also has ‘ROCK’ as the first word, the audience would automatically know this is a rock magazine.

My completed draft has all the typical conventions of a rock magazine because I used: skyline,barcode, main cover lines, cover lines, superlatives, interviews and plug. I need to improve my draft to make it more unique as well as adding conventions such as anchorage text to engage my audience more.

Lastly, I have done another draft for my front cover, however it is different from the other one, the other draft is more detailed with the main image, but this one has a different font with the masthead. The masthead’s are two different fonts and the second one is portrayed as plain and simple whereas the other one is more detailed. But the third draft has the typical conventions with the barcode&price, main image which is a medium close up shot, advertisement with additional photo’s, main cover lines, cover lines, superlative and skyline. Also the costume isn’t shown in the third draft like the second draft. Overall, after designing both drafts, I have to say the second draft’s masthead’s font is the kind of font I would like to use when I create my music magazine. Also, I’m going to use a leather jacket as a costume for my female model, as well as additional props such as sunglasses, I also want to use a guitar although it isn’t drawn in the magazine. In addition, I want to do an medium shot of the female so the audience would see the costume she’s wearing as well as the props.

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