Monday 7 January 2013

Contents Page Analysis

The masthead from the front cover of the magazine, is also inside the NME contents page with an added heading which is ‘THIS WEEK’ which tells the audience that NME is published weekly. Also the font is used throughout the contents page and is also simple and this engages the audience because they don't want the font to be just plain but the subscriptions below uses a different type of font and colour and this averts the readers eyes to it because its so bright. NME presented their contents page differently, the first one is more colourful and they use a range of colours such as red,black and white which are conventional colours rock magazines use. However the other magazine used the colour white and now the magazine is represented as plain and the layout is similar to a newspaper instead of a magazine.

On the other hand, the first contents page’s layout is typical, with a main image in the middle of the page and a sub heading below it which says ‘The moment that Everyone got on board Africa Exprez’. This is an quick feature of the biggest story that will be inside the magazine, this automatically engages their audience who are young adults or people who listen to the genre rock.

However the other contents page, shows all of the biggest stories on each side of the page or in the middle for example ‘The 20 sets that shock the Glastonbury festival’’ which are accompanied by page numbers. This is easier for the readers and helps them guide through the magazine. In addition, the first contents page also has page numbers but isn't as straightforward and large as the other contents page.

The main image of the first contents page is of a long shot of a random band, they used a long shot because they wanted the readers to be interested in their props which is a guitar etc and to be engaged in their costumes which aren’t typical clothing of a rock band. Also the band do stand out and engage us with the red lighting in the setting. So we do focus on the image rather then the text below it.

One of the main images of the second contents page which dominates the rest of the image because the image is larger and the lighting is black and white, this shows the readers its more unique and intriguing. The medium shot of the man shows him having fun at ‘Glastonbury festival’ this shows us that NME are advertising Glastonbury in a different way from advertisements. They want the readers to read it and be interested in the image.

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