Monday 7 January 2013

Questionnaire and Analysis(With Answers)

Quick Questionnaire for Your Views on a Student Magazine (Audience-Sixth Form)

1) What colour scheme do you think is related to the term ‘rock’?

Black and Red   or  Yellow and White  or  Grey and Black

2) What would you prefer to be featured in a rock magazine: a new artist or an old artist?

3) Would you like to participate in the magazine?(e.g. have your picture as the front cover)

Yes or No

4) How often would you like to see the magazine?

Weekly or  Monthly or Daily or Never

5) How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?

50p or £1.00-£1.50 or £2.00-£2.50 or Other

6) What rock magazine titles do you prefer: Rock Prodigy, Rebellion, Heavy Metal and Sound?


Analysis of the questionnaire

(The pie chart above shows the questionnaire results)

I interviewed sixth formers aged 16-18 because my target audience for my magazine will be sixth formers. My aim was to find out if my market research were interested with the genre I chosen and I also wanted to know a variety of different opinions from my year group to find out what they would like to see from my magazine.

Firstly, in my magazine I would use the colours black and red because the majority of the people I asked preferred black and red since these colours are related to the genre ‘rock’ and it also makes the magazine conventional because most well-known rock magazines such as NME(National Music Express) use those specific colours.

Also in my music magazine I would feature a new artist because in my answers or chart shows that ‘’New Artists’ are valued more than ‘Old Artists’. Majority of the sixth formers believed that new artists attract them more rather than reading about the same old artists. I decided I’m going to feature new artists because it would engage readers to find out more about them but I would include interviews from old artists just for those who valued old artists more.

Many of the people I interviewed didn’t want to participate or be the main image of the magazine and majority who said yes were males and were rather keen on being the main image however most females said no and this was upsetting because I wanted a female to become the main image.

Majority of my candidates purchase magazines monthly rather than weekly, daily and never. However some of my candidates purchased them weekly as well. Therefore, after reviewing my answer, I have chosen to make my rock magazine monthly as most sixth formers prefer that as a solution.

Many sixth formers favoured 50p as a price for my music magazine however I think that is out of the question because it is low-priced but they are just sixth formers and it is typical of a teenager to say that price. Also some have chosen 1.00-1.50 as well as 2.00-.50. But seeing as they are students and don’t work, I have chosen my magazine to be £1.50.

Before I handed out my questionnaires, I came up with some mastheads for my music magazine. They are called: Rebellion, Rock Prodigy and Heavy Sound. The audience favoured rock prodigy but some did favour Rebellion. I’m going to use ‘Rock Prodigy’ as my name because it has an ‘rock edge’ to it and my audience did like the name.

After analysing my results, I need to make sure my magazine follows this:

-Pricing will be £1.50

-Magazine Name will be Rock Prodigy

-Magazine will be monthly

-Colour scheme is black and red

-Will have to choose a male as main image as they are more ‘keen’ but will ask some females to be the main image.

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