Monday 7 January 2013

The Main Task

The project I’m working is the genre I have chosen which is rock. I'm making a rock magazine which will include a contents page and a double page spread. My rock magazine will be aimed at sixth formers (16-18). I decided to aim at sixth formers because I'm also an sixth former so I would know what they would like to see  in the magazine as well as what they wouldn't want to see on a rock magazine. The key requirements of the rock magazine is:a masthead, main cover lines, cover lines, anchorage text, pull quote,additional photo’s,skyline and barcode.Therefore, I'm determined to make my magazine presentable for my readers and I would also like to follow the typical conventions. Also the key requirements of a double page spread will be: main image, text, heading, subheading and additional photo’s. I also would want to meet the requirements to make my double page spread also presentable. I would also want to make my contents page look professional and suitable for my target audience.However, I need to meet the deadlines I’ve set myself which is Friday 4th January 2013 for my research and planning, for my production it is Sunday 3rd March 2013 and for the evaluation it is Wednesday 20th March 2013. 

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