Sunday 13 January 2013

Double Page Spread Analysis(Compare Q AND KERRANG)

These two double page spreads are from two different music magazines: Q and Kerrang. These two double page spread will help me to create a double page spread for my rock magazine. Both magazine have inspired me to create my flat plan so it will probably aspire me to create a simple double page spread.

Firstly, the double page spread from Q magazine has a simple and typical layout with the main image on the left hand side of the page and the article on the right hand side of the page. This is the type of layout I would use for my magazine because its conventional however I would add additional photo’s like Kerrang’s double page spread. Q has Lady Gaga on the left page of the double page spread which dominates the whole page rather then the text, which shows the audience a medium shot of her. Lady Gaga is portrayed as promiscuous and a ‘sex object’ because she exposes her torso however the metal chains does cover most of her cleavage. The artist wears little costume because this creates more of a male audience for the magazine, as well as a sexual image for the magazine(‘sex sells’). In addition, her hair style is portrayed as wild and eccentric, this reflects on the artists personality because in the media she is seen as wild and untamed wearing bizarre costumes such as the meat costume. However this would engage the audience and would be interested in her strange style.

On the other hand, Kerrang also has a simple layout but it adds different images of ‘My Chemical Romance’ on the bottom right and left side of the double page spread. Kerrang uses this formats in most of the double page spreads they have issued. The main image of the double page spread is the main leader of ‘My chemical romance’ which they have featured in the article. The main image is a low angle shot of the male artist, he dominates the whole page and this tells the audience he’s the main leader. He wears more clothing then Lady Gaga, his costume is a denim jacket, as well as denim jeans. He’s portrayed as a typical rock artists, wearing all black which reflects on their genre ‘rock’. His hair covers his entire face except for his mouth and nose, this again is a stereotype for rock artists but then again he’s looking down instead of giving the audience a direct mode of address like Lady Gaga. The props used in the image is a microphone and this connotes that he’s a artist.

The bold letter ‘L’ which is positioned in the middle of the article that covers most of the text, the ‘L’ reflects back to the style ‘Q’ uses on the front cover of the magazine. Also ‘L’ could stand for the artist Lady Gaga but Q don't usually use bold letters to cover the main article. This also makes this double page spread unique and different. This could be a new element they haven't added before. Also the colour scheme is minimal, with the black and white image of Lady Gaga, as well as the bold red letter ‘L’.

However, Kerrang also use the colour red for their sub-heading and for most of the text, this connotes that most rock magazine use the colour red because it symbolizes the term ‘dangerous’ as well as ‘rock’. I would use this for both my front cover of my magazine and the double page spread because its a conventional or typical colour used in rock magazines. Also Kerrang uses the colour black as the setting for the main image as well as the whole page. Black is also a common colour used in rock magazines because most rock artists wear black clothing, black eyeliner etc. I would also use this colour for my magazine, seeing as its typical.

Also, each image featured in the double spread of Kerrang has been edited to create a black and white theme like Lady Gaga’s image. The black and white theme also reflects on ‘My chemical romance’ style and their music. The colour red also reflects on their band’s style because red symbolizes red, danger and blood. The font used for the quote from their interview ‘‘We’re being the best MCR we can be!’’ which relates to their style again. The quote ‘We’re being’’ and ‘We can be’’ is in red whereas ‘'Being the best MCR’’ is in white and is in a larger and bolder font.

Both double page spread use different features, or similar colours on the page. Q has a more typical and simple layout wheras Kerrang uses a more complex format. However I would like to follow and be inspired by both double page spread’s. I would feature my artist on my double spread on the left side of the page, also I want it to be a medium shot. Also I would additional photo’s like Kerrang’s and edit it to reflect on my theme. Also I would issue the interview as the article as well as facts on the artist with extra news on top of the image.

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