Tuesday 15 January 2013

Front Cover Of A Magazine Analysis(Comparing)

These are two front covers of the same rock magazine(Kerrang). Kerrang magazine appeals to a specific target audience, who listen to alternative music such as rock and heavy metal. My magazine which I will create after my research and planning will appear to a similar target audience, but for those in sixth form who listen to rock and heavy metal.

Firstly, Kerrang’s masthead is similar for both magazine because Kerrang uses the same font for every magazine they have published since. So it will give the audience a sense of familiarity and they will recognize the magazine. The font used for the masthead is portrayed like a shattered glass which not only relates to the term ‘rock’ but for the artists lifestyles featured in their magazines. Also the main image also relates to the theme of a stereotypical rock artist. The artist is portrayed to be represented as a dark and mysterious character and he is wearing a dark shirt which is barely visible because its a close up shot of the artist. He also has on dark and green eye makeup which makes his eyes stand out more and look more frightening to readers because he’s giving the audience a direct mode of address. Also the main image  relates to the theme of a stereotypical rock artist.  Also the artist has dark black hair which fades with the setting which is the same colour. This is a stereotypical ‘look’ for a rock artist. In addition, the artist is also smoking but the cigarette isn't shown in the image but the smoke is, which relates to his rebellious theme Kerrang are portraying in this image.

On the other hand, the lead singer of machine head is an older artist compared to the other artist, and that is why he is portrayed differently. He has light brown hair which isn’t stereotypical of a rock artist. The typical definition of a rock artist would be the lead singer of HIM. Whereas machine head has an older look, however he does have a nose ring which symbolizes him being a rebel and his ‘rock and roll’ lifestyle. He’s also giving the audience a direct mode of address like the other artist. I have connoted that most rock artists give the audience a direct mode of address instead of an indirect mode of address. This shows rock artist want their readers or audience to be intimated by their look, this is shown on Machine Head and HIM’s facial expression. They are represented as frightening and rebellious at the same time. This makes readers interested. When taking photo’s for my own magazine, I would want my model to give the audience a direct mode of address.

Both magazines offer ‘Free Posters’ which is a typical convention of a magazine. This engages audience and allows them to avert their eyes to the free merchandise. I have used this convention for my flat plans and I would also use if for my final piece. Both magazines don’t have many cover lines which is one of the key elements I will use for my own magazine.

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